65% Commission Paid


For every sale of my new Ebook that you generate
Our new affiliate program pays a HUGE 65% commission $$

Even if you are new to Affiliate Marketing You can make great money!

If you  already have your own website and feel this e-book is compatible with your content then please feel free to promote my e-book using the tools and graphics supplied.

If you are an Affiliate Markerter who is looking for a quality product in a field where there is tons of traffic and know how to build review sites then why not consider joining our programme and start making use of the 'ready to use' resources provided for you below.

We are here to support and guide you every step of the way and we will show you how to get started. We have simply GIVEN you our best material to use to get started the right way, straight awayTake a look further down this page.

Getting started is easy. Follow the steps below:

Step 1:  Generate your affiliate link.

Our Ebook is sold securely through Clickbank so
you will need a ClickBank affiliate 'nickname' ID if you do not already have one.

It's a simple procedure - If you don't have a ClickBank affiliate nickname - You can get one FREE in less than 60 seconds just by clicking THIS SIGN UP LINK RIGHT NOW!

Easy? - Told you it would be  - Now you are ready to start! All you have to do is insert your new ClickBank affiliate 'nickname' anywhere where you see 'XXX' in the tools below.

Your Clickbank affiliate link is unique to you - This is what it will look like:
Simply replace the three red crosses with your unique Clickbank affiliate ID.

I have provided you with a full and varied selection of different tools below, ready to use, for you to start promoting the 'Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business' Ebook today.
Remember replace your ClickBank nickname wherever you see 'XXX' and simply choose the resource options available that best suit your situation and follow each step as laid out. You can't go wrong!

If you are already signed up with Clickbank but haven't used it for ages and are not sure where to look to find your affiliate ID, visit the reporting section on their site where your affiliate ID will be displayed prominently.
Step 2:  Start Promoting  the "Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business"
Ebook online.

We have provided you with some of the key methods below and have also given you the actual materials for you to copy and paste onto your PPC ads, websites, blogs, article directories and emails etc. If you are new to this and even if you're not, this material will save you a lot of time and effort and will help you get started immediately. You can continue to add further marketing methods of your own once the sales start coming in!

Method #1: - GRAPHICS

One of the best ways to promote an e-book on any website, blog or review page is with a Graphic that you can simply place where visitors will see it and they simply click on it.

We have supplied different options and sizes for you to choose from below. Just add one or more of these
graphics to your website. Simply right click and 'save picture as'..... Then, you just load it to your
site with your Clickbank affiliate link built in.

Remember to build in your Clickbank Affiliate ID

Method #2

Article Marketing is a highly recommended method and very effective if your articles are keyword optimized. (see keyword resource below) It's free if you are writing them yourself and one of the best ways to get started. The traffic you get from articles that are published online is always highly targeted and the readers are often reading for a reason, because they are ready to buy!

Use the following article to publish to article directories such as . You will need to change it around to keep it unique if you decide to publish on this website. All you have to do is think up another compelling title and do a simple re-write in your own words.

You can, however, still use it exactly as it is to send out in smaller chunks as an email, or feel free to post it on your website, journal or blog. You can even make a video and post on YouTube using the content.

In fact, you should try as many of these methods as you can so that you leverage to full effect. Certainly try turning your articles into videos and posting to Youtube for additional free traffic. You simply need to read them out and use some images to create the video articles.


Subject: Marketing For Florists - Your Top 7 Friends

Modern marketing for your florist business is easy when you know how but ignore these contacts and you will miss out on big results and will run the risk of leaving your business behind in the 20th century! If you want to be known as the No1 Florist in your town it is imperative that you get to know your community, make yourself known to ensure that they recommend and come to you first. Let's take a look at the important players, who can influence your business success and what you can do to secure their loyalties.

Introduce yourself to the local church secretaries. These are the people who know about all events in the community. Weddings, christenings and funerals and they can be a good source of recommendation. Churches are also highly decorated at Easter and Christmas and many churches these days encourage their congregations to purchase flowers in memory of loved ones. Memorial boards or cards are supplied stating the names of the loved ones being remembered and the donators. A Win - Win situation for both the church and the family or friends who wish to remember, and a suggestion from you will certainly make you stand out, especially if you happily supply an arrangement yourself from time to time as a thank you.

Funeral Homes:
Many families in great distress welcome a recommendation from the funeral home, so ensure you supply them with plenty of business cards and brochures. Sending an arrangement for their reception area occasionally will also ensure it is your florist name that is highlighted.

Wedding Planners:
Find out which planners are the top three in your town. These are the people that stressed brides go to when they want someone else to do the organisation. Invite them round and show them examples of what you can provide, and the prices involved. Make up samples of packages that can be shown to prospective purchasers and be happy to enter into a referral agreement with them.

4. Photographers:
Once again, these businesses can recommend. After all, you never will know who the bridal party will visit first and often the photographers themselves will require arrangements for backdrops.

5. Realtors and Home Stagers:
High price properties require the extra touch to make them stand out. Make friends with the top sellers.

Hotels and Large Corporations:
Always looking to impress guests with foyer displays and they too are in the business of wanting to stand out from their competition. Why not offer them a display for their entrance foyer and test out the reaction.

7. New Business:
This could be saving the best until last because it is certainly one that most other florists will not think about. Make sure you are aware of any new business setting up or moving into the area. Send them a flower arrangement or plant and welcome them to the district. Not only will your flowers be seen by customers but the new business will be sure to remember your kindness.

Others have followed these 7 tips and achieved success with becoming the No1 florist in their region. Follow them yourself and you too, will succeed with your modern marketing for your florist business.

Discover how you can market your florist business in the 21st century and become the No1 florist in your region by visiting my <a href="">Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business</a> website at <a href=""></a>.

Method #3

Facebook advertising is very popular and can be seen by a very select target audience when carried out correctly. You are also able to set your own spending limits to stay in control of costs.

PPC advertising is also popular once again for all affiliate marketers. Google’s Adwords system is regarded as one of the most effective and high quality ways to drive traffic to any website on a pay per click basis.

The beauty of Pay Per Click advertising is that you only pay when someone clicks your advertisement and visits your site or the site you are promoting.

When used with the right keywords (see below), PPC advertising can be a killer way to get almost instant traffic to your affiliate offers.

When you send your traffic to your own blog, or review page you can usually expect higher sales volume, as the reader isn’t being thrown directly into a sales pitch.  This is known as “pre-selling” your offers and it works very well.

So take our keyword list below, and start placing ads on Facebook and PPC advertising platforms. We recommend Google Adwords and Facebook for trying this method out as the costs can be lowered over time, and the quality of the traffic is very good.

The ads are limited to a certain amount of lines and charactors and are very keyword rich. We have created some eye catching and relevent ads for you to test out today which will comply and “fit” the Google Adwords guidelines perfectly…

Ad No1

Florist Marketing Problems?
Think Outside The Square With
Modern Marketing For Your Florists Business!

Ad No2

Flower Shop Business Blues?
Not With This Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business Guide!
Increase Your Profits Today.

Ad No3

Opening A Flower Shop?
Attract More Clients With A
Dynamic Flower Shop Business Plan!

Warning: If you decide to use PPC advertising, you will be paying for each keyword when someone clicks on your ad after typing that keyword into the search engine. That means you’ll need to closely monitor your keywords at the outset to see whether they are making you money or not, then adjust your campaign.

Resource #1: Keyword List

To make the most of the methods above, you’ll need to target specific keywords that your market will be typing into the search engines to find solutions that match what you’re promoting.

You can use keywords very effectively with your PPC & Facebook advertising campaigns or by using articles which include a keyword in your headline and a scattering of other keywords in your body text.

To save you some time and guesswork in choosing and finding these keywords, here is a proven list for you to start with…

marketing for florists
florist business plan
marketing ideas for florists
running a florist
starting a florist business
how to run a flower shop
flower shop business
florist marketing
flower shop maraketing
opening a flower shop
owning a flower shop
starting a florists
being a florist
successful florist business

Resource #2
: Review

Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business

Every single day there are scores of people trying to sell you different products. The many offers being thrown at us might cause information overload if we attempt to manage all of them. Since the vast majority of the offers are for scarcely relevant, out-dated junk or of otherwise doubtful value, we regularly just pass over them, ignore them and search for the real mail in the heap.

There are, however, occasional exceptions...

If you are a struggling florist, you will sometimes find a very few which might be promising, and could be worthwhile. There is a product within the Small Business category, for instance, called 'Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business!', that's looking pretty decent.

This new product is considered the brainchild of Lily Albright, who has designed it and is right now placing it on the market. Just what has 'Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business!' been doing to attract attention? Generally speaking, what it's been doing currently is showing florists proactive, innovative ideas on how to become the No1 florist in their region.

You'll find three unique advantages which make '
Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business!' stand above its competition, 3 major positive aspects that users talk about in their testimonials. These major positive aspects lead the business owner through the necessary actions required to build a brand and create and outstanding image, get the most from their employees, and marketing a florist business on the internet. Let us examine each one of these in more detail.

Building a brand and creating an image, as we know, is what makes us different in an ever changing high street. This book looks at the importance of marketing yourself in the community, as well as your in your business, to ensure your client base stays loyal.

The guide explains the importance of making staff feel they are part of the business success and encourages participation with the suggestion of reward schemes.

Marketing on the internet is a necessity, Lily Albright suggests, to keep your business competitive in the 21st century and full guidance is given for newbies in this field for website and social media building.

All right. So that's the positive side. What is there on the negative side for '
Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business?' What're the weaknesses?

The principal user problem which we've noticed is that the choice of new ideas could seem a little overwhelming and certainly challenging. However, everyone would agree that maybe Chapter 17 'Setting Effective Goals' solves this problem and even suggest that maybe this should be reassigned to Chapter 1.

All-in-all, '
Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business' generally seems to have unique and valuable advice that cause it to be noticed. It could be a good investment for many who are struggling with the Artist versus Marketing Manger side of their business. It's certainly worthwhile having a closer look at it and even giving it a try.

Find out How To Become The No.1 Florist in Your Region at this <a href="">Modern Marketing For Your Florist Business</a>  website.

Do You Agree That We Have Made This Easy For You? 

We have done our best to provide you with a wide selection of useful tools to help you to get moving.

But, just one more thing, Before you start...

We're here to help, but you must be willing to help yourself and take some action.

We are confident that the resources above are going to help you get started with this program but guess what? We have found on many occassions that a lot of people simply don't even give it a try - even when they have everything they need to succeed right under their noses ready to copy and paste on most occassions.

This Ebook has been well researched and is a high quality product, therefore we already know that there are a lot of potential buyers out there waiting to click your links, spend their money and buy today, which means your efforts will not be a waste of time...

So now that you've found us, it's time to start your business today.

Remember, the small amount of effort you put in right now, will pay off for years to come as an affiliate of our program...that's the beauty of the internet!

Markets like this one are ...untapped, there are lots of eager buyers out there looking for quality information like this!

To Your Success!



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